Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Romeo & Juliet essay

Reading Romeo and Juliet freshman year is a task that all freshmen have to complete. Though there are many ways that the teachers can teach their students to learn the story.  Some may think that teachers should have their students to read Romeo and Juliet, but others would say that acting out the play would benefit the students more. Acting out the play the students receive valuable learning experiences. Some of the learning responsibility is responsibility, out of the class work, communication, and emotional aspects. The students having to use responsibility they have to be on their job and take charge. Working out side of the class room is another way that the students have to give their full concentration or they will be forget thing and do everything right. The use of communication in this project will help the students get to know one another, will benefit the student  in the feature on business trips and job applications.  With all of these in one project Mr.Provenzano is not only making his students do a project he’s getting his students ready for the real world.
With acting out the play students must read the book because different students have different jobs that they have to do. They can’t just go to their friends and ask them what happened in act or scene because they might skip over valuable details that they didn’t think were important, but was important to them. Students must also have their work completed when due so that the other students can do their job as well. If a student doesn’t complete their job it affects other student’s jobs. Let say if a writer didn’t complete their job that affects other students in other job areas, like the custom designer, props, and most definitely the actors and actress. Everyone needed to be on their job and not slacking. Responsibility is a good reason for acting out the play, but out of the class work is a better reason.
            With out of the classroom the students have to be on your job.  Yes, they can fool around a lot more but there isn’t a teacher looking over their students shoulder making sure they do their work. It’s up to them to be able to do the work at handle without someone constantly telling them to do their work. With Mr.Provenzano around the freshmen will not use their creative side to in the project. Without him they could get a little creative with the job at hand. Instead of sticking to a basic way of do the project they can add their own personal style. With these jobs we want the students to give it their all while having fun doing it how they see it being done in their head. Exploring out of the classroom work is fun, but communication with others is a great lesson being learned as well.
            Communication is one of the needs to know in life. By participating in this project Mr.Provenzano is getting his students ready for the real world. He has his students using Skype to have conversation with the Van Meter students whom are also participating in this project as well. Blogs are also being use to keep in touch with each other. Using these instruments to connect with one another is letting the students share their thoughts and combine them to make a greater than before. The students also have to learn how to plan out meetings that everyone can participate and voice their options. This shows how well the students communicate with each other.
              Acting out the play is going to be more memorable then reading the book. The reason is because with acting out the play the students will remember how much fun they had while making the film. Just reading the play the students are less likely to remember. Of course some people might disagree, but not everyone agrees. In the feature the students will recall being pushed and pushed to do their best with no excuses.  They’ll probably remember when they had to act out the scenes how goofy and silly they acted. Some will probably say that how acting out this play brought on more friends that most likely wouldn’t of had happened if Mr.Provenzano didn’t make them do the filming.
             Many people have voiced their options on whether or not teachers should have their students make a film of the play Romeo and Juliet. Working with others is one of the best ways to learn. While working together on the project the students learned responsibility, out of the class work, communication, and emotional aspects. Mr. Provenzano showed his students a great way of learning is working together.

Monday, April 25, 2011


        Okay so this is going to be one of my last blogs for Romeo and Juliet project. Doing this project was a lot of fun. I've learned a bunch of new things. My job as writer was stressful and fun. Stressful because it was hard to write it in modern terms, but still has the touch to it like Shakespeare had. Fun because I got to put my own little touch to it as well.  After I was finished with that I was then moved to print advertising. As you all know from a few post ago I thought that was going to be the hardest thing in the world. I don't know that I was thinking, but it was really easy. As you can tell from one of my print ads. Though I am sad to say that the project is done I'm ready for a new task and I'm ready to take it head on.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I did it.

Ok, so remember when I said that making a print advertisement was was going to be bad? Well it was easy, like really easy. The only thing was trying to find the right pictures to go on the glogster with the right words and quotes. Now I've use all of my thoughts and ideas in only one of my glog. That's so sad i still have to make a lot move.  Check this and see if you like it good if you don't I don't care. I'll make more an see what the comments are for this one and see how I can improve the next one.http://saukygn.edu.glogster.com/play/

Friday, April 1, 2011

I'm not done yet!

I've finished with writing the script.(oh yeah) Now all I have to do is make 2 print ads. Ok, some might say that it's really easy. For me it's kind of hard. If you know how will you send me a message telling me how to, I'd really appreciate it. So they are do today at the end of the hour, HELP. Well  I got to go. Cross your fingers for me and hope that I get a good gread.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Am I done yet?

Starting Act1 Scene5 the last half was kind of weird. I had to start from in the middle of the scene sort of through me off.I bounced back pretty good at least i think i did pretty good.  To be honest it took me like 15 minutes to figure out what the first line. From then on it was smooth sailing. It took me like 30 minutes to finish the rest of my script. I'm so  proud of myself.

The end of Act1 Scene5

Romeo: (Taking Juliet’s hand) If I offend by holding your hand then maybe a kiss will make thing better.
Juliet: Holding my hand shows politeness and loyalty. Like the pilgrims held the hands of the statues of the saints. Did you know that holding their palms together was like a kiss?
Romeo: No I didn’t, but what do the pilgrims and saints lips do?
Juliet: Pilgrims do have lips but they use them in prayer.
Romeo: Well saint, let lips do what hands do. Kiss me, I pray. Please grant my prayer.
Juliet: Saints aren’t suppose to move.
Romeo: Then don’t move, let me kiss you.
(He kisses her) now you’ve taken all of my sin away from my lips by yours.
Juliet: Now my lips have sin on them.
Romeo: I’ll take it back then.
(He kisses her)
Juliet: You’re a good kisser.
(Enter Nurse)
Nurse: Juliet, your mother wants to talk to you.
(Juliet walks away)
Romeo: Who’s her mom?
Nurse: She owns this house. A good, wise, and morally excellent lady. I take care of her daughter. The young lady who you were just talking to, her name is Juliet. Who ever marries her will be rich.
Romeo: (to himself) Is she a Capulet?  This is not going to be good. My life is in the hands of my enemy.
Benvolio: (to Romeo) Come on let’s leave.
Romeo: Ok, I just got myself in more trouble then ever before.
Capulet: No, gentlemen, don’t leave now. We have dessert coming in a short while. (They whisper something into his ear) Is that true? Well, thank you for coming. Good night. Come on then, let’s go to bed. I swear it’s late. I’m going to get some rest.
(Everyone, but Juliet and the Nurse begin to exit)
Juliet: Nurse, who was he?
Nurse: He’s Tiberio’s son.
Juliet: What about the one that’s leaving out the door right now?
Nurse: That’s Petruchio.
Juliet: What about him over there who wouldn’t dance?
Nurse: I don’t know.
Juliet: Go ask, please. (The nurse leaves) If he’s married I’m going to die.
Nurse: (returning) His name is Romeo, he’s a Montague.  His father is your fathers’ worst enemy.
Juliet: (to herself) My only love sprung from my only hate! I seen him to early and figured out too late. Love’s a monster for making me fall in love with my worst enemy.
Nurse: What’s this?
Juliet: Oh, it’s just a rhyme that someone that I danced with told me while we were dancing.
(Someone calls Juliet from off stage)
Nurse: Come, let’s go. All of the strangers are gone.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Act1 Scene3

Act1 Scene3

Lady Capulet: Nurse, where’s my daughter? Tell her to come here.

Nurse: I swear to you to you madam I told her to come. God forbid, where is that girl? JULIET!

[Enter Juliet]

Juliet: Yeah, who’s calling me?

Nurse: Your mother.

Lady Capulet: I’ll tell you --- Nurse, give us a moment; we must talk in private, Nurse come back you’ve heard our secrets once before. You know how Juliet is.

Nurse: Yes. I know her age down to the hour.

Lady Capulet: She’s not even eighteen.

Nurse: I’d bet on my teeth, but I only have four. She’s not eighteen. How long until Lammastide?

Lady Capulet: Two weeks and odd days.

Nurse: Even or odd it doesn’t even matter because on the night of Lammas Eve she’ll be eighteen. It’s been eleven years since the earthquake. Juliet had just stopped nursing from my breast on that day. I won’t forget. You and your husband were gone. She tastes the bitter wormwood on my nipple; she got irritated and started to fight with my breast. The dove house shook with the earthquake. No need to tell me to leave. That was eleven years ago. By then she was able to stand up without any help. She could move all around. I know because she had cut her forehead the day before. My husband God rest his soul, a happy man --- picked her up. “Oh,” he said, “Did you fall on your face? You’ll fall backward when you grow smarter. Won’t you Jule.” I swear she stopped crying and said “Yes”.

Lady Capulet: Enough, please be quiet.

Nurse: I can’t stop laughing that she actually stopped crying and said “Yes”. She had a bruise on her face as big as a Ping-Pong ball. A painful bruise, and she was crying like there was no tomorrow.

Juliet: Now stop, Nurse please.

Nurse: May God pick you to take his hand. If I live to see you get married then I’ll have all of my wishes come true.

Lady Capulet: Marriage is what we have to discuss. Tell me Juliet, how do you feel about marriage?

Juliet: It’s an honor I don’t dream of.

Nurse: An honor! If I weren’t your only nurse, I would say you hadn’t sucked wisdom from the breast that feed you.

Lady Capulet: Well start now. Here there are girls younger then you who have already been made mothers. I was your mother at just your age. Paris wants you to marry him.

Nurse: What a man, a great man as all in the world. Like a sculpted of wax.

Lady Capulet: (to Juliet) What do you think? You’ll see him at our feast tonight. Study his face his face and find pleasure in his beauty. Examine his features and see how they work. Look into his eyes if you are confused. He lacks only a bride to make him complete. Many women think that he’s handsome. You would lose nothing.

Nurse: lose nothing? You’d get bigger by getting you pregnant.

Lady Capulet :( to Juliet) Can you accept Paris’s love?

Juliet: I’ll look at him and try to like him, if he’s likeable. But nothing more then what your permission allows.

Peter: Madam, the guest are here, dinner is served. You are being called for and so is Juliet. Everything is out of control. I have to go tend to the guest. I f you would follow me.

Lady Capulet: We’ll follow you. Juliet, Paris is waiting for you.

Nurse: Go; look for a man who’ll give happy nights to happy days.